gzip         Free Software Fundation  GNU Project             gzip                                           gzip                 
  gzip             gzip                 WinZip StuffIt PKZIP      gzip              gzip Windows
   gzip.exe |
1. |
 gzip Window gzip,   gzip124xN.exe. |
2. |
       ,  , C:\gzip ,
          . gzip124xN.exe       .
           ,          . |
3. |
 gzip124xN.exe.          ,        .   C:\gzip          :
- gzip.exe
- gzip.doc
- Readme
- Copying
gzip.exe   |
       ,             ,      MS DOS prompt. |
1. |
Windows Explorer ,         View .     ,    Options... ,    .
       Options    . |
2. |
 File Types. |
3. |
 New Type... |
4. |
       ,Add New File Type,   .        ,      : |
Description of type: |
GZIP Compressed File |
Associated extension: |
gz |
Content Type (MIME): |
application/x-gunzip |
5. |
 New... . |
6. |
          , New Action.             : |
Action: |
Open |
Application used to perform action: |
"C:\gzip\gzip.exe" "-d" "%1" |
7. |
New Action      OK  New Action     .  Add New File Type      Close  Add New File Type     .  Options      Close  Options     . |
      gzip     |
1. |
http://www.o-bible.com/gb/dlb.html |
2. |
         . |
3. |
- Netscape
        .  Save it to disk,    OK .
- Internet Explorer
         .  Save this file to disk,    OK .
               ,            .              .
4. |
       .       . |
gzip.exe  gzip     |
    , gzip.exe         : |
1. |
     gzip.exe     ,           gzip    ,      . |
2. |
       .           ,  , kjv   kjv.txt,
   ,  kjv.txt         kjv.txt . |
    , gzip.exe       : |
1. |
C:\My Download Files\kjv.gz . |
2. |
 Window Start  . |
3. |
    Programs -> MS-DOS Prompt,     |
4. |
        .      ,    ,
cd "c:\My Download Files"
5. |
C:\WINDOWS\My Download Files>
c:\gzip\gzip -dc kjv.gz > kjv.txt
6. |
Windows Explorer        , kjv.txt,   
C:\My Download Files   .