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18:1[bbe] He who keeps himself separate for his private purpose goes against all good sense.
   [hgb] 与 众 寡 合 的 , 独 自 寻 求 心 愿 , 并 恼 恨 一 切 真 智 慧 。
   [kjv] Through desire a man, having separated himself, seeketh and intermeddleth with all wisdom.
18:2[bbe] A foolish man has no pleasure in good sense, but only to let what is in his heart come to light.
   [hgb] 愚 昧 人 不 喜 爱 明 哲 , 只 喜 爱 显 露 心 意 。
   [kjv] A fool hath no delight in understanding, but that his heart may discover itself.
18:3[bbe] When the evil-doer comes, a low opinion comes with him, and with the loss of honour comes shame.
   [hgb] 恶 人 来 , 藐 视 随 来 。 羞 耻 到 , 辱 骂 同 到 。
   [kjv] When the wicked cometh, then cometh also contempt, and with ignominy reproach.
18:4[bbe] The words of a man's mouth are like deep waters: the fountain of wisdom is like a flowing stream.
   [hgb] 人 口 中 的 言 语 , 如 同 深 水 。 智 慧 的 泉 源 , 好 像 涌 流 的 河 水 。
   [kjv] The words of a man's mouth are as deep waters, and the wellspring of wisdom as a flowing brook.
18:5[bbe] To have respect for the person of the evil-doer is not good, or to give a wrong decision against the upright.
   [hgb] 瞻 徇 恶 人 的 情 面 , 偏 断 义 人 的 案 件 , 都 为 不 善 。
   [kjv] It is not good to accept the person of the wicked, to overthrow the righteous in judgment.
18:6[bbe] A foolish man's lips are a cause of fighting, and his mouth makes him open to blows.
   [hgb] 愚 昧 人 张 嘴 启 争 端 , 开 口 招 鞭 打 。
   [kjv] A fool's lips enter into contention, and his mouth calleth for strokes.
18:7[bbe] The mouth of a foolish man is his destruction, and his lips are a net for his soul.
   [hgb] 愚 昧 人 的 口 , 自 取 败 坏 。 他 的 嘴 , 是 他 生 命 的 网 罗 。
   [kjv] A fool's mouth is his destruction, and his lips are the snare of his soul.
18:8[bbe] The words of one who says evil of his neighbour secretly are like sweet food, and go down into the inner parts of the stomach.
   [hgb] 传 舌 人 的 言 语 , 如 同 美 食 , 深 入 人 的 心 腹 。
   [kjv] The words of a talebearer are as wounds, and they go down into the innermost parts of the belly.
18:9[bbe] He who does not give his mind to his work is brother to him who makes destruction.
   [hgb] 作 工 懈 怠 的 , 与 浪 费 人 为 弟 兄 。
   [kjv] He also that is slothful in his work is brother to him that is a great waster.
18:10[bbe] The name of the Lord is a strong tower: the upright man running into it is safe.
   [hgb] 耶 和 华 的 名 , 是 坚 固 台 。 义 人 奔 入 , 便 得 安 稳 。
   [kjv] The name of the LORD is a strong tower: the righteous runneth into it, and is safe.
18:11[bbe] The property of a man of wealth is his strong town, and it is as a high wall in the thoughts of his heart.
   [hgb] 富 足 人 的 财 物 , 是 他 的 坚 城 , 在 他 心 想 , 犹 如 高 墙 。
   [kjv] The rich man's wealth is his strong city, and as an high wall in his own conceit.
18:12[bbe] Before destruction the heart of man is full of pride, and before honour goes a gentle spirit.
   [hgb] 败 坏 之 先 , 人 心 骄 傲 。 尊 荣 以 前 , 必 有 谦 卑 。
   [kjv] Before destruction the heart of man is haughty, and before honour is humility.
18:13[bbe] To give an answer before hearing is a foolish thing and a cause of shame.
   [hgb] 未 曾 听 完 先 回 答 的 , 便 是 他 的 愚 昧 , 和 羞 辱 。
   [kjv] He that answereth a matter before he heareth it, it is folly and shame unto him.
18:14[bbe] The spirit of a man will be his support when he is ill; but how may a broken spirit be lifted up?
   [hgb] 人 有 疾 病 , 心 能 忍 耐 。 心 灵 忧 伤 , 谁 能 承 当 呢 ?
   [kjv] The spirit of a man will sustain his infirmity; but a wounded spirit who can bear?
18:15[bbe] The heart of the man of good sense gets knowledge; the ear of the wise is searching for knowledge.
   [hgb] 聪 明 人 的 心 得 知 识 。 智 慧 人 的 耳 求 知 识 。
   [kjv] The heart of the prudent getteth knowledge; and the ear of the wise seeketh knowledge.
18:16[bbe] A man's offering makes room for him, letting him come before great men.
   [hgb] 人 的 礼 物 , 为 他 开 路 , 引 他 到 高 位 的 人 面 前 。
   [kjv] A man's gift maketh room for him, and bringeth him before great men.
18:17[bbe] The man who first puts his cause before the judge seems to be in the right; but then his neighbour comes and puts his cause in its true light.
   [hgb] 先 诉 情 由 的 , 似 乎 有 理 。 但 邻 舍 来 到 , 就 察 出 实 情 。
   [kjv] He that is first in his own cause seemeth just; but his neighbour cometh and searcheth him.
18:18[bbe] The decision of chance puts an end to argument, parting the strong.
   [hgb] 掣 签 能 止 息 争 竞 , 也 能 解 散 强 胜 的 人 。
   [kjv] The lot causeth contentions to cease, and parteth between the mighty.
18:19[bbe] A brother wounded is like a strong town, and violent acts are like a locked tower.
   [hgb] 弟 兄 结 怨 , 劝 他 和 好 , 比 取 坚 固 城 还 难 。 这 样 的 争 竞 , 如 同 坚 寨 的 门 闩 。
   [kjv] A brother offended is harder to be won than a strong city: and their contentions are like the bars of a castle.
18:20[bbe] With the fruit of a man's mouth his stomach will be full; the produce of his lips will be his in full measure.
   [hgb] 人 口 中 所 结 的 果 子 , 必 充 满 肚 腹 。 他 嘴 所 出 的 , 必 使 他 饱 足 。
   [kjv] A man's belly shall be satisfied with the fruit of his mouth; and with the increase of his lips shall he be filled.
18:21[bbe] Death and life are in the power of the tongue; and those to whom it is dear will have its fruit for their food.
   [hgb] 生 死 在 舌 头 的 权 下 。 喜 爱 他 的 , 必 吃 他 所 结 的 果 子 。
   [kjv] Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.
18:22[bbe] Whoever gets a wife gets a good thing, and has the approval of the Lord.
   [hgb] 得 着 贤 妻 的 , 是 得 着 好 处 , 也 是 蒙 了 耶 和 华 的 恩 惠 。
   [kjv] Whoso findeth a wife findeth a good thing, and obtaineth favour of the LORD.
18:23[bbe] The poor man makes requests for grace, but the man of wealth gives a rough answer.
   [hgb] 贫 穷 人 说 哀 求 的 话 。 富 足 人 用 威 吓 的 话 回 答 。
   [kjv] The poor useth intreaties; but the rich answereth roughly.
18:24[bbe] There are friends who may be a man's destruction, but there is a lover who keeps nearer than a brother.
   [hgb] 滥 交 朋 友 的 , 自 取 败 坏 。 但 有 一 朋 友 , 比 弟 兄 更 亲 密 。
   [kjv] A man that hath friends must shew himself friendly: and there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother.