Download Bible

Help: We provide a gzip compressed file for each version of the Bible translation used on this site. They need to be decompressed with the gzip program after download.

In some cases, if you click on a file, the browser will display the file rather than downloading it. When this happens, first point the cursor to the file you want to download, click the right mouse button and then click on "Save Target as..." (IE) or "Save Link As..." (Firefox) in the pop-up menu.

If slow network connection makes it very difficult to download large files, try downloading the files in parts.

  Version Name GZip File
Download Size
File Size
Bible in Basic English
1,259 KB 4,381 KB
Chinese Union Version
(Ho Ho Ben)
GB2312 encoding
1,053 KB 2,400 KB
Chinese Union Version
(Ho Ho Ben)
Big5 encoding
1,078 KB 2,380 KB
King James Version
1,369 KB 4,351 KB


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